Import data (Command Line Utility)

Use the IMPORT command line action to import records from an import file, based on an import definition.

The import definition must exist in the environment in which you want to import the records..

In a client/server situation you can only perform this action on the server.





General options:


When importing data into a financial administration, you have to include the administration number. The command line can contain an administration number specified using the /A option, but the import definition can also contain an administration number. In that case, the administration number of the import definition is used.

The import user must have access to the administration in question and must have opened the administration at least once.


"C:\Program files (x86)\Profit\AFAS Windows\Kernel\Bin\AFASCMD.EXE"/O"Environment name " /G"Username" /W"Password" /O"ERPDEMO" /A"1" IMPORT /N"PROFIT Proef- en saldibalans" /F"C:\IMPORT\BALANS.TXT" /L"C:\TEMP\LOGFILE.LOG"

Extra options



/N<import definition name>

The name of an import definition (or the beginning of the name). (You can find this name in the Import wizard in the Description field.)

The /N<import definition name> option is mandatory.

/F<import file>

The file to be imported. The import definition states that users cannot change it, you cannot use this option with the Command Line Utility either; the file stated in the import definition is used.

/L<import log file>

Log file.

The rejected lines are saved in this log file. The import definition states that users cannot change it, you cannot use this option with the Command Line Utility either; the file stated in the import definition is used.


When using this option, the file to be imported is deleted after importing. This also happens if it is stated in the import definition.


When using this option, the log file is deleted before the import is started. This is also done if it is stated in the import definition.


Shows a progress window while importing.

See also