Run an UpdateConnector (Remote Command Line Utility for AFAS Online)

Command line for running an UpdateConnector on an environment.


The maximum size of the data involved in the full command run from the command line is 50 MB.

To set up and run a command line:

Create a batch file using the following data and run the file. The task is queued and run as soon as possible. After that, the execution of the batch file is closed.





afasremotecmd.exe /O"Environment" /L”General log file" IMPORTXML /N"UpdateConnector" /F"UpdateConnector.xml" /L"Import log file"


afasremotecmd.exe /D"AOL" /G"12345.CONNECTOR" /W"586^&WWq" /O"O12345AA"/L"logfile.log" IMPORTXML /N"KnEmployee" /F"employee.xml" /L"employee.log"

The command line is run using the following data:

  • Environment: O12345AA
  • General log file: logfile.log
  • UpdateConnector: KnEmployee
  • XML to be imported: employee.xml
  • Specific log file: employee.log

    In this example, the files to be used reside in the folder in which the tool resides. Log files are written to this folder.

See also