View connector messages

When you run Profit Connectors, error messages may appear. An external application only receives a general message. For security reasons no details are displayed.

You can view the complete message in the Profit log. The application that runs a connector, can log and resolve error messages.

To display messages using the log:

  1. Open the environment that the UpdateConnector has accessed.
  2. Go to: General / Environment / Management / Omgevingslogboek.

To register error messages using Web services (example):

If you use the Web services, error messages are returned in the form of an XML string in a SOAP message. The XML string contains the error message. The application that receives the SOAP message must retrieve the error message from the XML string.

using System.Web.Services.Protocols;



            //Aanroepen connector


      catch(FaultException<ProfitApplicationException> ex)




      catch(Exception ex)




See also

  • Frequently Asked Questions