Add an allocation link

You can record allocation links for the integration of allocations with Profit Financieel. The link is used to register the revenue entries from the invoices in Profit Financieel per cost centre (product, department, etc.), giving you more insight and consequently options for adjustments.

From Profit Order management (sales, and if applicable from purchasing too), you can set up the allocation per activated axis for projects and subscriptions. You can allocate on the basis od a number of standard data, such as article/integration group, item code, warehouse, etc. You can also allocate based on custom fields.

To add an allocation link:

  1. Go to: General / Configuration / Integration settings / Allocation link.
  2. Click on: New.
  3. Select the axis on which you want to allocate.
  4. Select the type of link for the invoice allocation.

    For Profit Order management, you use Purchase or Sales.

  5. In Field, select the field in the invoice on which you want to allocate. For example, by article/integration group, item code, warehouse, etc. If applicable, you can also link custom dimensions.
  6. Click on: Finish.

You cannot change an allocation link, but you can delete the old link and add a new one.

See also:

Directly to

  1. Configure the journalising
  2. Configure integration types
  3. Configure integration accounts
  4. Configure allocation links