Add a custom tab

To be able to use a custom field, place it on a custom tab. You cannot add your custom fields to the default tabs in Profit.

A custom tab can contain both Profit fields and custom fields. You must first add the custom fields. After that, you add the custom tab and configure it. You then specify the authorisation.

To add a custom tab:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Management tool.
  2. Double-click on the function group to which you want to add a tab.
  3. Click on: Yes.
  4. Select the file.
  5. Go to the Tabs tab.
  6. Click on: New.
  7. Enter the name of the custom tab.
  8. Move the required fields from the Available fields: tab to Fields on tab.
  9. Place the fields in the correct order (this is also the order in the properties window and in the 'new' wizard).
  10. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Custom tab
  2. Add custom tab
  3. Authorise tab
  4. Manage tabs in Management Tool