Position custom fields in the entry layout

Insert custom fields in an entry layout and record the field settings per field.

Position custom fields in the entry layout:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Entry layout.
  2. Open the entry layout.
  3. Follow these steps for general fields:
    1. Go to the tab: Header.
    2. Drag the custom field from the General fields heading to the correct location.
    3. Go to the tab: General fields.
    4. Select the custom field.
    5. Record the properties.
  4. Follow the steps below for line fields:
    1. Go to the tab: Line.
    2. Drag the custom field from the Line fields heading to the correct location.
    3. Go to the tab: Line fields.
    4. Select the custom field.
    5. Record the properties.
  5. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Procedure
  2. custom configuration
  3. Add custom fields
  4. Position custom fields in the entry layout
  5. Add custom fields using the Management Tool
  6. Position custom fields in the entry layout