Record the Financial administration setting for a Luxembourg VAT declaration

You record the VAT number and the declaration timeframe of the administration.

To record administration settings:

  1. Go to: Financial / Management / Administration settings
  2. Go to the tab: VAT.
  3. Enter the VAT Number.
  4. Select the declaration timeframe. This depends on high large the revenue is. See the l’Administration de l’enregistrement et des domaines website.
  5. Complete the fields. the Additional data for Luxembourg frame.
  6. Complete the fields. the Intermediary frame, if an intermediary is submitting the declaration. Intermediaries are authorised to make VAT declarations on behalf of tax payers to the l’Administration de l’enregistrement et des domaines (Luxembourg tax authority).
  7. Follow the standard procedure.

Directly to

  1. Configure VAT Luxembourg
  2. Activate functionality
  3. Add an administration
  4. Record the Financial administration settings
  5. Configure VAT sections and VAT codes