Add a new VAT section

You can add a VAT section in specific cases. For Dutch and Belgian VAT declarations, you normally do not have to add any VAT sections as they are provided. For a German VAT declaration, for instance, you will in fact have to add sections.

To add a new VAT section:

  1. Go to: Financial / VAT/ICP / Configuration / VAT section.
  2. Click on: New.
  3. Enter a number in Section number.
  4. Complete the fields.
  5. Select the Calculation basis calculation. Here, select 3 - Totaal secties or 4 - Totaal boekingen en secties if you want to link a different section to this section.

  6. Click on: Finish.

Directly to

  1. VAT section
  2. Link a new VAT code to the VAT section
  3. Add a new VAT section
  4. Link a new VAT section to a VAT section
  5. Overview of Dutch VAT sections
  6. Dutch VAT section completion instructions
  7. Overview of Belgian VAT sections and codes