Feature structure

In the feature structure, you link a feature set to a ledger set.

You put the features in the feature set in a feature or other structure. This enables you to run the reporting.







Current assets (part of A1)


Liquid assets (part of A200)

If you now want to add structure A1 -> A200 -> A214, drag A200 from the window on the right to A1 in the window on the left and then A214 to A200. Profit builds a tree structure.


All ledger accounts must be linked to features in the reporting structure in order to create reports.

To configure a feature structure:

  1. Go to: Financial / Reporting / Configuration / Reporting structure.
  2. Select a feature set.
  3. Select a ledger set.
  4. Click on: OK.

    Profit shows a window with the feature structure. This window is divided into two halves. On the left is the feature set. On the right you see a list of parts you can include in the feature set.

  5. Click on: Ledger account.

    If you are working with ranges, this option is not available.

    Profit shows the ledger accounts on the right side of the window.

  6. Select the ledger account in the list on the right and drag it under the feature on the left side.

    The ledger account disappears on the right side.

  7. Click on: Show only ledger accounts that are not linked.

    You will see the ledger accounts that are already linked on the right side. The Linked to column shows the feature to which the account is linked in the structure.

    If you want to show a ledger account in the report on both the debit and credit sides because they are credit and/or debit, in the structure of the reporting, drag the relevant ledger account under a feature on the assets side and under a feature on the liabilities side.

  8. Click on: Features.

    The features in the feature set are on the left. The Linked to column shows the feature to which the feature is linked in the structure.

  9. Click on: New feature.

    You can add a new feature to the feature set. When adding a feature, you link it to the feature structure. If you do not link it, then Profit will indicate this in the reporting.

  10. Click on: New ledger account.

    You can add a new ledger account.

  11. Click on: Check feature set.

    Profit checks the configuration of the feature set if you indicate this in the properties of the feature.

  12. Click on: Preview.

    You see an example of the feature set with the order and the location of the features. This will be the final order on the reporting overview. You do not see the amounts.


    You can Unlink linked ledger accounts by right-clicking.

    In the same way, you can right-click on Unlink to delete unused features from the feature set.

    You can right-click Properties to edit the description of a feature.


    If you exit the feature structure, a check is performed if you indicated this in the properties of the feature.

Directly to

  1. Configure reporting
  2. Ledger set
  3. Feature set
  4. Feature structure