View the occupancy overview

In Profit a view is available that shows the personnel occupancy. Profit determines the occupancy based on the timetable and leave and absence entries.

To view the occupancy overview:

  1. Go to: HR / Presence and absence / Occupancy.
  2. Complete the selection fields.

    Select the Hours per position check box if you want to split the lines based on the position allocation per employee. For each employee with a position allocation, the lines will be split based on the position allocation.

  3. Click on: Finish.

    Profit shows the occupancy for the selected period.

    In the Occupancy overview view, in addition to the default columns you see columns for the position allocation. You can recognise this by (FV) in the column heading:

    • If you did not select the Hours per position check box, these columns are not relevant.
    • If you did select the Hours per position check box, Profit will use these columns to enter the organisational unit and job based on the position allocation of the employee.

      In this situation, the Organisational unit and Job columns show the properties that have been recorded in the employee's job properties. In the columns ... (FV), you see the organisational unit and job based on the position allocation of the employee.

    Select the Hours per position check box if you want to split the lines based on the position allocation per employee. For each employee with a position allocation, the lines will be split based on the position allocation.

    To retrieve all days with leave hours, enter the filter value !=0 in the quick filter line below the Leave hours column heading.

See also

Directly to

  1. Timetables and occupancy
  2. Set the start date of a timetable calendar
  3. View the occupancy overview