Allocation by wage component

In Profit, you can record a deviating allocation per employer or employee. You can record this, for example, for allowances, temporary regulations or study costs.

By default Profit allocates the wage journal entry by employer, employee, job and organisational unit. For each employer, you can specify that Profit should also allocate by cost centre and cost unit.


The journalising of wage components is defined at a high level.

If an employer has a deviating allocation for certain wage components, then you can record it at the employer level. If the deviating allocation applies to certain employees working for the employer, then you can record it at the employee level.

Recording a deviating allocation may have the following objectives:

  • You can journalise a wage component (for budgetary reasons) to a fixed cost centre.
  • For an employee that is temporarily substituting for another employee (with a higher job), you can journalise a related allowance to the relevant cost centre.

You have the following options when recording the deviating allocation:

  • Allocate by organisational unit
  • Allocate by job
  • Allocate by cost centre
  • Allocate by cost unit


    The cost centre and cost unit options depend on the configuration of the journalising under the employer.



  • Allocation by wage component at the employer level

    If you want, for example, to specify a different allocation by wage component for allowances, temporary arrangements or study expenses, you record a deviating allocation by wage component at the employer level. This deviating allocation setting applies to all the employees of the employer.

  • Allocation by wage component at the employee level

    You can enter a deviating allocation for the journal entry for each employee if it only applies to the employee in question. You specify the deviating allocation per wage component. This can be necessary for allowances, temporary arrangements or costs of studies.