View orders per article in case of multiple warehouses

If you have multiple warehouses, you will want to view and schedule the orders (sales and purchase orders) for all warehouses. Cost estimates and assemblies are shown as extra information.


With multiple warehouses, it is only in Order planning that you can change warehouses. You can also use the sales order and the purchase order to view and allocate using the entry layout line, but in that case the warehouse remains fixed.

To view orders per article in case of multiple warehouses:

  1. Go to: Order Management / Purchase process / Order planning.
  2. Select Article or Assembled item in Item type. If you first select the item code, Profit completes this field automatically.
  3. Select an article or assembled item for which you are tracking the stock in Item code.
  4. Select a warehouse.
  5. If required, enter a date range.
  6. Click on the action: F5. Select.

    You now see the purchase and sales orders per article.

  7. Click on: Finish
  8. Enter another warehouse.
  9. Click on the action: F5. Select.

    You now see the orders, etc. from the other warehouse.

  10. If required, repeat this for all your warehouses.

Directly to

  1. Order planning
  2. Configuration
  3. View orders per article
  4. Manually allocate purchase and/or sales orders per article
  5. allocated automatically
  6. Automatically allocate sales orders per article
  7. Undo the order allocation
  8. also in the order itself
  9. View orders per article in case of multiple warehouses
  10. Allocate orders per article in case of multiple warehouses