Set up an article group for advance payment

If you are using advance payment, you can create an invoice immediately after adding a sales order without first creating a packing slip. You do this using an action which you must authorise first.

The action you have to authorise is: Create invoice.

To authorise the 'Create invoice' action for an advance payment:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Authorisation tool.
  2. Go to the tab: Authorisation.
  3. Go to Order Management / Sales process / Sales order / Actions / Create invoice in the folder structure.
  4. From here, follow the procedure described in Authorise a group for actions.

Directly to

  1. Configure advance payment
  2. Authorise create invoice action
  3. Set up an article group for advance/down payment
  4. Set up the entry layout for Advance payment
  5. Set advance payment as the order processing method