Change basic prices collectively

You can change prices collectively by using a calculation. You can enter a positive or negative percentage for the calculation.

The highest percentage is 999.00% and the lowest percentage is -100.00%.

The prices changed using this function cannot be used today. If you want to change the prices collectively and you entered the prices on that same day, Profit Order management does not recognise the prices that have been entered. To be able to change them collectively, you need to wait a day.


The Edit prices collectively action can be run only once a day.

To change basic prices collectively:

  1. Go to: Order Management / Management / Edit prices collectively.

    You can also change the prices collectively using:

    • Projects / Management / Edit prices collectively.
  2. Click on the action: Purchase price or Sales price, to change the basic price.
  3. Select the Basic price type to indicate that you want to change the prices at that level.

    Price list is a level higher, and Sales contact/debtor is the highest level.

  4. Click on: Next
  5. If you have selected the Sales contact/debtor level, select the sales contacts using Sales contact, from and Sales contact, up to.
  6. For Calculation method, select the method you want to use as the basis for the calculation of the new prices.
  7. Depending on your choice, in Percentage or Amount enter the percentage or the amount by which you want to increase or reduce the basic prices.
  8. In Rounding, select the rounding method for the changes to the basic prices. If you do not want to round, select 00.
  9. If you are making the change based on the fixed settlement price, enter the reference date of the basic prices that have to be changed in Reference date. Only the basic prices that are valid on the reference date entered are changed.
  10. Click on: Next

    You now see a window showing the results of the calculations for all items.

  11. Press: Ctrl+D.

    All lines are now deselected.

  12. If necessary, filter to only change the prices for some of the items.
  13. Click on: Finish
  14. Click on: OK

Directly to

  1. Change prices collectively
  2. Change basic prices collectively
  3. Change cost prices/settlement prices collectively
  4. An example of resetting the cost price collectively to zero