Authorise subscriptions

In certain menu options, you can block access to actions and tabs of the Subscriptions module for certain users and user groups.

Also read the information on the shared master data for Item and Invoicing.

To authorise subscriptions:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Authorisation tool.
  2. Select the user group.
  3. Go to the tab:Menu (right).
  4. Click on the folder: General.
  5. Click on the folder: Subscriptions.
  6. Click on all subfolders too.

    The menu options for subscriptions now appear.

  7. Set up the menu authorisation.
  8. Go to the tab: Authorisation.
  9. Click on: Subscriptions.
  10. Click on the underlying folders too.

    You now see all the subscription actions and tabs to be authorised.

  11. Go to: Invoicing, general / Sales invoice / Actions.
  12. Authorise the Create pro forma invoices and Delete pro forma invoices actions.
  13. Close the Authorisation tool.