Force a strong password in the CLE

You can determine in the CLE whether you want to use strong passwords. We recommend always enabling this option. In AFAS Online this option is mandatory, so you cannot disable it.

If you enable this option, Profit always performs this check whenever you add a user or when a user changes his password. It is possible for users to be present who still have a weak password. If this type of user logs on, Profit forces the user to set a strong password.

Force a strong password in the CLE:

  1. Open the CLE (Central Login Environment).
  2. Go to: General / Environment / Central environment / Properties.
  3. Select the Force strong password for all users. check box.


    By enabling this functionality, strong passwords are mandatory from then on. This also applies to command line and connector users. Check if a password has been set in all the relevant places, otherwise your command lines and connectors no longer function.

  4. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Force strong passwords
  2. Force a strong password in the CLE