Link authorisation group to organisation chart selection

You populate the authorisation group based on a selection. This means that the authorisation group is automatically populated with members (users) based on the selection. You cannot populate the authorisation group manually.

Link selection to authorisation group:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Authorisation tool.
  2. Go to the tab: Group maintenance.
  3. Go to: Group / New (or click the button).
  4. Enter a code and description.
  5. Select the Complete automatically check box.
  6. Select the selection you wish to use for the authorisation group.

  7. Click on: Finish
  8. Go to the tab: Users in group.

    Profit shows the users that belong to the authorisation group based on the selection.

Authorising these groups (by menu, action, filter, etc.) is exactly the same as authorising manually filled group.

Directly to

  1. Automatically populate user groups based on the HR organisation chart
  2. Add a selection
  3. Link selection to authorisation group
  4. Update authorisation groups based on selection
  5. Authorisation based on position allocation