Authorise reports and analyses by contents

The report or analysis must be based on a data collection 'incl. authorisation'. You must make the right choice when adding a report or analysis, because you cannot change the data collection afterwards. The reports and analyses supplied together with Profit that have 'incl. authorisation' in their file names are based on a data collection 'incl. authorisation'.

Authorise reports and analyses by contents:

  1. Go to a function for maintaining reports or analyses.
  2. Click on: New
  3. Select a data collection of the type 'incl. authorisation'.

  4. After adding the report or the analysis, you must check the authorisation of reports. This is because there may still be reports and analyses 'excl. authorisation' available, which give access to all the data. For these reports or analyses you must withdraw the authorisation via the definition authorisation, or you must block them.


    The filter authorisation includes a setting that a manager can only view data relating to employees of his own department.

    This means that the manager can only view employees of his own department via the Functions employees (incl authorisation) (Profit) report.

    However, Profit also contains a Functions employees (excl. authorisation) (Profit) report; the filter authorisation does not apply to it. You can block this report or limit access via the definition authorisation.

Directly to

  1. Authorise data using data filters
  2. Authorise reports and analyses by contents