Authorise a user for menu options

Per user, you determine the menu options the user has access to. We recommend that you minimise these exceptions to benefit the administration of authorisations: the greater the number of exceptions, the more inefficient the authorisation process.

When setting a menu per user, you can make extra menu items available to individual users; you cannot disable menu items per user.

To deviate from group settings for a single user:

  1. Go to the tab:User maintenance.
  2. Select the user from the group you just authorised for the menu option.

    On the right, the green check marks now indicate the menu options to which the user has access based on the group settings.

  3. Select the menu option on the Menu tab.
  4. You can also at once make all the menu options accessible for which the user does not yet have any rights via a group:

    Select the check box at a main level.

    Confirm the question whether you want to enable all the underlying functions for which no rights have been given yet.

    You can also disable all the underlying menu options at once by deselecting the check box at a higher level.

  5. Check the user menu, if required.

Directly to

  1. Authorise menu options
  2. Assign groups
  3. Manage users
  4. Authorise group for menu items
  5. Authorise deviating user menu items
  6. Check user menu
  7. Copy menu from a group or user