Periodic (Command Line Utility)

The PERIODIEK action assigns a periodic salary increase.





General options:



"C:\Program files (x86)\Profit\AFAS Windows\Kernel\Bin\AFASCMD.EXE"/O"Environment name " /G"Username" /W"Password" PERIODIEK /W"GRHOL" /P"4"

Extra options




The code for the employer for which you want to start the periodic salary increase.

/P"period table"

The period table for the employer for which you want to start the periodic salary increase. You can find the period table number in HR / Employee / Employee, Salary tab, salary line properties.


Processing group. All the employers of this group are processed. The description of the processing group cannot contain more than 10 characters. You can also enter the code of the processing group.

You can process all the employers of a certain processing group via a single command line entry. If you use this method, you do not have to set up a command line for each employer.

You can determine for each employer whether the employer is part of a processing group. You can configure this via HR / Organisation / Employer, Preferred value Payroll tab.

The /P option does not work in combination with this option. You can use the /V option to process all employers and all period tables.

See also