Configure organisation for external declarations

You need to add all clients for which you submit external messages as a service provider as organisations in Profit. You specify the relevant identification numbers for each client/organisation.


You submit the VAT declaration, ICP declaration, ‘Loonheffing’ declaration and CoC documents for a client.

You have to specify the following identification numbers for the client: VAT (also applies for ICP declarations), 'LH’ and the Ch. of comm. numbers.

To configure an organisation:

  1. Go to: CRM / Organisation/person / Organisation/person.
  2. Add the organisation if it does not yet exist.
  3. Open the properties of the organisation.
  4. Go to the tab: Communication connector.
  5. Click on: New.
  6. Select the message type. If a certain type is not available, it is blocked.
  7. Enter the number (VAT, 'LH’ or Ch. of Comm.).

    You can only record this information for organisations, not people. If you want to submit external messages for a person, you need specify the person as an organisation. This may be necessary for self-employed persons.

  8. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Send messages from external packages
  2. Configuration
  3. Configure organisation for external messages
  4. Assess external message statuses