Manage the log

You determine the data (fields) for which you want to track changes in the log. Profit will not log the data until you have activated logging for the desired data. Logging cannot take place retroactively.

To manage the log:

  1. Go to: .

    Profit displays the log. The left side of the window shows the files and tables which you can log.

  2. In the list at left, select a table from which you want to select fields.
  3. In the list at the right, select the check boxes for the fields to be logged.
  4. Next, you can indicate what types of changes the log should track by selecting the check box for the function. You can choose from:
    • Add: if a value is entered in an empty field, this action is logged.
    • Delete: if a field is cleared, this action is logged.
    • Change: if a value in a field is changed, this action is logged.


    The Add, Delete and Change options are applicable to all fields selected in the file or table. However, you can in fact choose different actions for different files and tables. A combination of actions is possible.

  5. Click on: Finish.

    Logging will start as soon as you have specified the settings.

Directly to

  1. Log