Add a vertical export definition
You record an export definition for horizontal export. Each field value being exported is on a separate line.
A vertical export often has the columns:
- A key: to determine the employee to which the value pertains, Field value (key field).
- A field code: external field name
- The value of a field: field value. The lines, which are printed one below the other and comprise a Record, are created on the Fields tab.
To add an export definition:
- Go to: General / Configuration / Log / Export definition.
- Click on: New.
- Enter a code and description.
- The export file name is the name used for the file being exported.
- Select the table that you want to export in Export calculation basis.
- Select an Export method. Select Entries only (logging required) if you only want to export logged entries from the log.
- Select Horizontally in Export type.
- Click on: Finish.
To record the export definition column layout:
- Open the properties of the export definition.
- Go to the tab: Columns.
- Record the column layout of the export file, for example a field name followed by a field value.
To add fields to be exported to the export definition:
- Open the properties of the export definition.
- Go to the tab: Columns.
- Add a field:
- Click on: New.
- Determine whether you want to add a key field. Key fields are unique fields used to identify records, such as the ID for an employee.
- Click on: Next.
- The External field name is the name that you want to use in the export file. Here, you can enter the name used in the external application.
- Select the Export field type.
Select Script if you want to combine multiple fields or if you want to make changes to field values.
- Click on: Next.
- Enter the properties of the fields to be exported. The Column width is the field length in the export file. If the value being exported is shorter than the Column width, then the value is padded with leaders.
- Depending on the selection in Export field type, you may need to record additional data.
For a Field value, select the field and specify additional settings, such as the format. For a script field, you must record the script afterwards.
- Click on: Finish.
- To record a script:
- Open the properties of the script field.
- Go to the tab: Script.
- Supplement the sample script. Add your changes at the indicated place in the sample script.
For scripts, you can use all of the options of VBScript. For a complete overview of the VBScript options, please see the following website: Visual Basic Script. Some script samples for export are also provided in this Help.
- Click on: OK.
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