Configure a deviating contact for project invoices per project

For each project, you can set a deviating contact person for project invoices.

By default, Profit issues the invoices according to the sales contact settings: to the general contact person or to the deviating contact person for project invoices set on the Digital tab. If you want to deviate from this for a specific project only, you set this up in the project itself.

To set a deviating contact person for project invoices in the project:

  1. Go to: Projects / Project / Project.
  2. Open the project properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Invoicing.
  4. In Project invoice contact, select the contact person from the contact persons at this organisation that you want to set up as the contact person for project invoices.
  5. Click on: OK.

See also:

Directly to

  1. Configure e-mailing and printing for a sales contact
  2. Change/add reports
  3. Authorisation for e-mailing reports
  4. Set the e-mail server and sender
  5. Change a message template
  6. Configure e-invoicing
  7. Set default reports in a sales contact profile
  8. Set a general preference for e-mailing or printing and a general contact for a sales contact
  9. Record a deviating issue method and/or contact per report type
  10. Record a CC recipient per report type
  11. E-mail and/or print a report (usage)