Link an environment to the Profit Communication Center (Profit Windows)

Use this procedure if the PCC has already been installed on your workstation (for example by the administrator). With the installation of the settings, you link the PCC to a specific environment.

After the (first) installation, the Profit Communication Center is ready for use in combination with the environment used for the download.

If you also have other environments, you can use the PCC in combination with those environments as well. Link the required environments to the PCC.

To download and install the Profit Communication Center:

  1. Open the environment you want to use in combination with the PCC.
  2. Go to:General / User / Communication Center / Save settings.

    Save the file on your local workstation.


    The settings are personal; do not share the file with others. You can run the settings file once. Do not wait too long, as the file is only valid for a limited period of time. If the validity has expired, you download a new file and run this.

  3. Run the settings file Settings.poci on your workstation. This records your own settings so you can use the Profit Communication Center in combination with an environment.

Directly to

  1. Install the Profit Communication Center on the user's workstation (Profit Windows)
  2. InSite main site settings
  3. Authorise users
  4. Switch to the next Profit Update
  5. Full installation
  6. Add an additional environment