Data collection for alert

An alert is based on a data collection. This subject is a general overview of the application of the fields in the data collection.

When you add an alert, you can copy an existing alert or start with a new alert with a data collection of your own choice. There is a specific data collection associated with a copied alert and you cannot change it.

Add the fields that you require in the alert to the data collection. These field are used as follows:

  • Fields for the alert text.

    Compose the alert in the alert text using fields and text.

    For example: <Employee> has been sick for <Days> already.

    <Employee> and <Days> are fields from Profit, the remainder is your own text.

  • Fields for performing a calculation.

    If there is no reference date, for example, you can calculate your own. The field on which the calculation is based must exist in the data collection.

  • Fields you want to use in the filter.

In an alert, you can filter in the data collection itself and in the alert filter. Be sure to add the fields you want to use for filtering to the available fields.

  • Fields that you need for the comparison value.

    The alert requires a field that can be used as the basis for establishing that a database line is unique. If this cannot be achieved with a single field, select a second field that does form a unique combination together with the other field.

If the data collection does not have a correct reference date, you can add it to the data collection yourself.

See also