View the occupancy per location

You can view the occupancy per location.

To view the occupancy per location:

  1. Go to: CRM / Course management / Occupancy locations.

    The information you see for all locations includes the following:

    • The date on which the session takes place.
    • The name of the organisation where the session is held.
    • The code and description of the event.
    • The location where the session takes place.
    • The part of the day (code) when the session is held.
    • Remarks recorded for the session.

Directly to

  1. Course
  2. Configure
  3. Add a course
  4. Change a course
  5. Prior knowledge when adding a course
  6. Add an event
  7. Register participants
  8. Keep an attendance register
  9. Discount voucher
  10. Course invoicing
  11. View occupancy overview
  12. View occupancy per location
  13. View attendance percentage per course
  14. Course in InSite
  15. Integrate courses with Profit Calendar