Generate a campaign action

When you generate a campaign action, Profit will add a dossier item to each contact person (from the target group). You can also link one dossier item for the entire campaign action.

Depending on the type of the dossier item you are adding, some preparations are required.

For a mailing you use dossier items of the Outgoing mail type. The preparations in this case are:

To generate the campaign action for a mailing:

  1. Go to: CRM / Campaign management / Campaign
  2. Open the properties of the campaign.
  3. Go to the tab: Campaign actions.
  4. Open the properties of the campaign action..
  5. Go to the tab: Contacts.

    Profit displays all contacts based on the linked selection or imported data. If you do not want to include specific contacts in the campaign action, deselect the Linked check box.

  6. Go to: Actions (F8) / Generate.
  7. Select a value for Dossier item type: Outgoing mail (General)Profit uses this as the basis for the dossier items to be added.
  8. Click on: Next
  9. Enter the Subject (Profit displays this in the central dossier view and other locations).
  10. Select the Specify separately per destination check box.
  11. Click on: Next

    In the default data of the dossier item, you see that Completed is not selected.

    You can select this check box to immediately mark the dossier item asCompleted. If you use the central dossier view as a list of dossier items still to be completed, this dossier item will not be displayed there.

  12. Click on: Next
  13. Select a value for Target: Print document and record in file.

    You also select this value if you want to perform a mailing.

  14. Click on: Next
  15. Select the document and the sender. (The sender must be an employee to serve as Sender).
  16. Select a printer if you want to print the document.
  17. If you want to, you can display a preview of the document.
  18. Click on: Finish.

    You return to the properties of the campaign. You see that the campaign action has been generated, because the check box in the column with the same name is selected.

To view the variable costs of a campaign:

  1. Go to the tab: Variable costs.

    You see that Profit has generated variable costs based on the number of organisations/persons in the selection.

To view the dossier items of a campaign action:

  1. Go to the tab: Dossier.

    You see all dossier items related to the campaign, including the dossier items you have submitted using the campaign action.

Directly to

  1. Configure a campaign
  2. Set the dossier item type
  3. Determine the target group
  4. Add a campaign
  5. Add a campaign action
  6. Link a target group to an action
  7. Generate a campaign action
  8. Estimate campaign costs