E-mail a course invoice again

You can e-mail a course invoice again. You do this, for example, if the course participant indicates that he has not received the e-mail.

To e-mail a course invoice again:

  1. Go to: CRM /Organisation/person / Sales contact.
  2. Open the properties of the sales contact.
  3. Go to the tab: Invoices.
  4. Select the invoice that you want to reprint.
  5. Click on the action: Print invoice.

    You now open a print preview.

  6. Click on:E-mail.

Directly to

  1. E-mail course invoices
  2. Configure printing and e-mailing reports
  3. Print, e-mail and save course invoices in a dossier in bulk
  4. E-mail course invoices individually
  5. E-mail a course invoice again