The Attn. line in a report, document or letter

It is possible that the Attn. line in a report, document or letter is not completed or completed incorrectly, or that the report is empty.

The data for organisations and persons is saved in one table and the contact person data are in another table.

Crm_De tav-regel in een rapport, document of brief (10)


You can view a contact person on the Contacts tab in the properties of an organisation. The data on this tab are retrieved from another table.

In Profit you can create documents based on data collections. When adding documents, you can indicate that you are doing it based on a data collection that refers to the table containing the data for Organisations and persons and not to the contact data.


These data collections include:

  • [Organisation/person dossier] Organisations/Persons (with authorisation) (Profit)
  • [Organisation/person dossier] Organisations/Persons (without authorisation) (Profit)
  • [Purchase contact dossier] Purchase contact (Profit)
  • [Purchase contact dossier] Sales contact (Profit)

In Profit you can also add documents that refer to the data for the contact persons.


  • [Organisation/person dossier] Contacts (with authorisation) (Profit)
  • [Organisation/person dossier] Contacts (without authorisation) (Profit)

Documents are created based on different data collections. You have to determine in advance which data you want to display in your letter. Based on that determination you select the appropriate data collection.

The default data collections supplied with Profit for documents by default are Blocked and not visible. You first have to unblock them.


Also see