Add calculation fields to analyses

You add a calculation field based on a Profit field. This creates a new column in the worksheet which you can name yourself.

To add a calculation field:

  1. Open the analysis: or add an analysis.
  2. Go to the 'Add-ins' menu.
  3. Go to: Profit / Predefined calculation fields.
  4. Select the calculation function.
  5. Select the Profit field this function must be applied to.

    Dat_Rekenvelden in analyses vastleggen

  6. Click on: OK.
  7. Enter the name of the new field.

  8. Click on: OK.

    A new column is created to the right of the last column.

    Dat_Rekenvelden in analyses vastleggen - FieldCol

    Dat_Rekenvelden in analyses vastleggen - View.png


    If you have added a pivot table using Profit / Add pivot table, it refers to all columns in the worksheet. If later on you add a column to the worksheet, that column is not available in the pivot table.

    You resolve this by expanding the data area of the pivot table. Click in the pivot table and go to the 'Options / Change Data Source' menu.

    Select 'Change Data Source' and expand the selection the pivot table refers to.

Directly to

  1. Calculation fields in analyses
  2. Add calculation fields to analyses