Administration settings for writing off a reservation or obligation

You can use the settings to determine for each administration whether Profit should take into account differences when writing off a reservation and/or obligation. We call this the reservation difference and the obligation difference.

You can also decide to leave these setting fields blank. In that case, Profit will never ask the question about completely writing off a reservation or obligation.

To specify the administration settings for writing off a reservation or obligation:

  1. Go to: Financial / Management / Administration settings.
  2. Go to the tab: Budget.

    Fin_Administratie instellingen afboeken reservering of verplichting (10)

  3. Enter the maximum percentage and/or amount that you would accept as a difference when writing off a reservation and/or obligation. If you enter a combination of a percentage and an amount, the maximum difference is first calculated on the basis of the percentage.

    The difference Profit takes into consideration is the difference with the reservation amount and obligation amount if you do not use them entirely.

    If the maximum amount is not exceeded, Profit asks the following question if you change the Invoice amount excl. VAT field in the Write off obligations from purchase journal entry entry window: 'The entered amount is smaller than the balance of the obligation/reservation; do you want to completely write off the obligation/reservation?'. If you answer Yes to this question, Profit completely writes off the obligation/reservation and sets it to Completed.

    The question does not appear if the obligation amount is used in its entirety.

    If you leave the fields blank, Profit never asks this question.

  4. Click on: OK.

See also

Directly to

  1. Set up contract management in Financial
  2. Authorise contract management in Financial
  3. Configure contract numbering
  4. Administration settings for writing off a reservation or obligation
  5. Contract extension workflow