Configure a message template for e-mailing a collection specification

You can link a message template for the collection specification in the properties of the bank account number, if you supply the specification by e-mail. This message template is the e-mail message, if desired personalised with tags, that you send together with the collection specification as a PDF in the attachment. You can also set up a specific sender in the message template.

To configure a message template for e-mailing a collection specification for the bank account number:

For your own bank account number, select the desired specification report and message template.

  1. Go to: General / Configuration / Payment settings / Bank account.
  2. Open the properties of the bank account number.
  3. Go to the tab:Collection.
  4. Select the desired specification report in Report specifications.
  5. In Mess. templ. specifications, select the message template for the collection specification. This message template is the e-mail message, if desired personalised with tags, that you send together with the payment specification as a PDF in the attachment.

    The text of the message template is incorporated into the e-mail message and the payment specification is attached as a PDF file. First add the message template if you have not already done so.

  6. Click on: OK.

See also:

Directly to

  1. Configure collection specification sending by e-mail
  2. Set up the e-mail server and the sender e-mail address
  3. Configure a message template for e-mailing a collection specification
  4. Configure a debtor for collection specifications by e-mail