Register general information for CoC annual statements

You record general information that is included in the electronic documents. You must record this information for each administration.

To record general administration data:

  1. Open the administration.
  2. Go to: General / Administration / Management / Properties.
  3. Go to the tab: General.
  4. Check the data. Address information is used in the annual statements.
  5. Go to the tab: Chamber of Commerce.
  6. Enter the details of the organisation. The data - in as far as this is applicable - must match the data registered at the Chamber of Commerce.
  7. Select the SBI code of your organisation.

    The SBI code (Standaard Bedrijfsindeling) characterises the main activity of a company. AFAS supplies this table as a default with Profit and updates this table on a yearly basis to make sure it conforms to the new year's taxonomy. You can also add an SBI code to the table yourself by selecting CRM / Management / SBI code. For the correct SBI coding, please refer to the Chamber of Commerce website, where you can download the SBI codes.

  8. Select the reporting model in CoC Reporting. This is the reporting model used for the delivery to the Chamber of Commerce.
  9. In Contact person type, specify if you are submitting statements yourself (as Entrepreneur) or as an Intermediary.
  10. Enter the data for the director/supervisory director inTo be signed by directors and supervisory directors. If you complete these extra fields, this data is displayed in the reporting. If you do not complete these fields, the data you entered on this tab for Contact is displayed.
  11. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Configure the filing of financial reports and financial statements with the Chamber of Commerce (CoC)
  2. Set up a communication profile
  3. Record general administration data
  4. Link SBR codes to reporting codes
  5. Change reporting codes with text