Add reporting codes for the Belgian reporting cockpit

Profit provides a default model with reporting codes for Belgium, but you can add your own reporting codes.

To add reporting codes:

  1. Go to: Financial / Ledger / Configuration / Reporting structure.
  2. Click on: New.


    There is a relationship between the structure of the reporting codes and the classification/sorting used for the report. If you change the structure of the supplied reporting codes, you must also copy and change the reports.

  3. Complete the Kind, Main group and/or Sub-group fields.

    These fields determine the position of the new reporting code in the structure. If you want to add a new main group, you manually enter a new 2-digit code (e.g. 06) in Main group. Next, enter the description for this new main group. The new main group is automatically added and is available for use. This also applies for the addition of a sub-group. In this case, enter the new code in Sub-group.

    You can select an existing code in these fields to build on the categories in the structure, although you can also enter a new code. When the wizard finishes, Profit will add the new code. You can then select this new code as part of the following new reporting code.

  4. Enter the Code if you want to add a reporting code at the lowest level. This is only possible if you have completed the Kind, Main group and Sub-group fields.

    You can only link ledger accounts (in the next step) to a reporting code for which the Code field has been completed.

  5. Enter the description.. This description will appear on the reports (for the higher levels).
  6. Select a reporting code in Reporting code no. 2 if you want to display the debit and credit field.

    This means that a debit account with a credit balance will be displayed as credit and vice versa.

  7. Enter the Calc. basis indicator code. It is required for the Kengetallen financieel (Profit) report and the Winst- en Verliesrekening reports.

    The Kengetallen financieel report contains a DuPont structure that is composed on the basis of this code. For example, the codes under the main code R0102 belong under Costs of raw materials and consumables, subcontracted work, etc. You can configure this in accordance with your own preferences.

  8. Enter a description in another language in Description 2nd language. For example, a description in French.

    Fin_Rapportagecockpit codes toevoegen voor

  9. Click on: Finish.

Directly to

  1. Configure the reporting cockpit for Belgium
  2. Add reporting cockpit codes for Belgium
  3. Change a Belgian reporting code with text
  4. Configure the reporting cockpit for Belgium
  5. Change Belgian reporting cockpit reports
  6. Copy the Belgian reporting cockpit to another environment