Add an administration for Belgian VAT declaration

If you want to generate the turnover tax declaration for Belgium in Profit, you first have to activate the corresponding functionality.

To add an administration:

  1. Go to: General / Administration / Management / New.
  2. Add the new Administration via the standard procedure.
  3. In Legislative country, select Belgium.
  4. Complete the wizard.

Directly to

  1. Configure VAT Belgium
  2. Configure VAT declaration Belgium
  3. Add an administration
  4. Configure administration settings
  5. Add VAT accounts
  6. Add a VAT rate group
  7. Add a VAT rate
  8. Add Belgian VAT codes
  9. VAT sections
  10. Set the VAT duty and number for a debtor/creditor
  11. VAT on vehicle expenses in Belgium
  12. Configure ‘Fiche 281.50’