View the reporting cockpit

The reporting cockpit provides you with a simple and easy tool for creating a balance sheet, profit and loss account and a financial indicator overview.

This is often a good alternative to the Reporting component in Profit Financieel.


When you generate the reporting, a snapshot is taken of the reporting codes and the figures. You can then use this snapshot to view the reports. This way you can compile a history of snapshots, but this is not mandatory.

This snapshot can also be used for the electronic delivery of reports to the Chamber of Commerce.

You can refresh a report after it has been generated. This causes the current reporting codes and numbers to be retrieved. Once the reports have been finalised or you have submitted the related documents to the Chamber of Commerce, you can no longer refresh or delete the reports.


The reports provide a snapshot of the situation as it is at the time you generate the reports or as it was the last time you refreshed the reports. Changes you have made afterwards are not visible in the reports already generated. This applies to both changes in the reporting structure and changes in the financial entries. To make these changes visible, you must refresh the reports or add new reports.


  • Configure the reporting cockpit

    The arrangement of the reporting is determined by the reporting codes. These are supplied with Profit, but you can add your own reporting codes. You must link the relevant ledger accounts yourself for each reporting code.

    You can copy and change the provided reports.


Also see