Check the journal counters and invoice counters

If you use date-dependent counters for numbering vouchers or invoices, you have to check the end date for the counters before you start a new financial year.

Profit uses the proper range on the basis of the entry or invoice date. This is the range for which the entry or invoice date falls between the start and end date of the range.


Profit will display an error message when you post an entry or an invoice if the end date for the range has passed.

To check the voucher number counter:

  1. Go to: General / Configuration / Numbering settings / Counters.
  2. Open the counter properties (for the voucher number, purchase invoice or sales invoice).
  3. Go to the tab: Ranges.
  4. Check the end date for the counters that you use in the Range end date field.

    If you have entered an end date and this date has (almost) been reached, change the date in the properties of the counter or add a new range. Whether you have to change the date or add a new counter depends on your situation. You would add a new counter if you have included the year in the fixed leader of the counter, for example INK2016, and you have not selected the Add ranges automatically after the end date check box.

    If you want to, you can convert a counter from manual to automatic range by selecting the Add ranges automatically after the end date check box. In this case, you must also enter a year tag in Leader and End date. For example [YYYY], [YYY], [YY] or [Y]. For the year 2013, these ‘year tags’ produce '2013', '013', '13' or '3' respectively as the leader for the counter.

    In case of an automatic range Profit maintains the ranges automatically based on a year tag in the leader.


    If you add a new counter, you must also link it to the correct journal. A counter needs to be linked to a journal only once (in other words not every year). As long as there is a range for the invoice or entry date, it is possible to issue a number.

See also

Directly to

  1. Year-end transition Financial
  2. Automatically extend the period table years
  3. Block a fixed assets financial year
  4. Recalculate cumulatives
  5. Set the opening balances of the VAT accounts for the new year to zero
  6. Check the VAT declaration and VAT account balances
  7. Check the debtor and creditor summary account balances in the extended column balance or trial balance
  8. Check the voucher and invoice counters