Check the CLA version

You can check the version number of the CLA in Profit.This number is built up as follows:

  • Year
  • The sequence number in the year (01 for CLA Update for year-end transition and 02 for CLA Update of minimum wage)
  • Sequence number for intervening update


The CLA has version 2015.01.04.

  • Year: 2015
  • Sequence number in year: 01, thus the CLA Update for the year-end transition
  • Intervening sequence number: 05

To view the CLA version in Profit:

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / CLA.

    You see the CLA version in the Versions column.

  2. In the Update Center, you can check if a new CLA version is available. AFAS recommends that you keep track of all new updates and don't postpone importing the new CLA Updates.

Directly to

  1. CLA
  2. CLA Update
  3. Add a CLA
  4. Add a term
  5. Set up decimal places
  6. Delete or block a CLA
  7. Check the CLA version
  8. Term of employment