Education and work level

You can record the educational level and the work level of the employees in the organisation. You assign a ranking that you can view when you add courses and at the same time select the educational/work level.

To edit the education and work level:

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / Configuration / Education and work level.

    In the left window you can see the levels that are available and those not yet used. In the right window you can see the ranked and selected levels. A high educational level is ranked higher in this list than a low educational level.

  2. Click on: New. You can add new educational levels.
    1. Complete the fields.
    2. Click on: Finish.
  3. Move the educational levels from the left side to the right side.
  4. Change the order for a correct ranking.

Directly to

  1. Configure employee training/courses
  2. Supplement custom tables
  3. Configure the educational and work level
  4. Add training courses
  5. Link a course status to presence management