Authorise recruitment and selection

You can authorise recruitment and selection processes, such as adding vacancies. If you use Applicant Self Service, you can authorise for Profit Windows and InSite/OutSite.

Authorise recruitment and selection in Profit Windows

Configure authorisation:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Authorisation tool.
  2. Go to the tab: Group maintenance.
  3. Select the group to authorise.
  4.  Go to the tab: Menu.
  5. Select the check box for the menu options to be authorised:

    Hrm_Werving en selectie autoriseren (10)

  6. Go to the tab: Authorisation.
  7. Go to: HR / Recruitment and selection.
  8. Authorise the tabs and actions:

    Hrm_Werving en selectie autoriseren (20)

  9. Close the Authorisation tool.
  10. Click on: Yes in the message.

    This environment automatically opens again with the new settings.

Authorise vacancies for Applicant Self Service in InSite/OutSite

You authorise vacancies for Applicant Self Service in InSite and OutSite using the following functionalities:

  • Manage vacancies (InSite / OutSite)
  • View vacancies (InSite / OutSite)

See also:

Directly to

  1. Configure recruitment and selection
  2. Configure custom tables
  3. Authorise recruitment and selection
  4. Outgoing mail dossier item (document/e-mail)