Employee encoding

You decide on the encoding (numbering) of your employees.


If you add an applicant or an employee in Profit HR, Profit automatically adds a person in Profit CRM. The auto numbering of persons also applies to employees. This means that Profit automatically suggests a number when you are adding an employee, based on the auto numbering of persons. If you accept this number, the employee and the person will have the same number. It is not mandatory to apply auto numbering.

However, you can change the number of the employee, so the number of the person and the employee is no longer the same.


The next free number for a person is 100100.

If you add an employee, Profit automatically suggests the number 100100. If you accept this number, Profit adds an employee as well as a person with this number.

You can choose to use your own code, for example based on the name of the employee.

You can make the same numbering system mandatory for applicants, employees, and people.

If the environment contains many employers, it may be advisable to start all employee codes with the code of that person's employer. This is a different approach, in which you use counters for the employee IDs. Auto numbering still applies to persons.


The employer's code for Xpress Publications is XPR.

For new employees, Profit automatically applies the following codes: XPR-00001, XPR-00002, XPR-00003, etc.

This option is especially of interest for accountants and accountant’s offices.

Also see