E-mail employees

You can quickly send one e-mail message to employees. The content of this message is the same for every employee and is not saved with the employee data.

If you send an e-mail message that is based on a dossier item, you can personalise it and save it in the dossier.

To e-mail employees:

  1. Go to: HR / Employee / Employee.
  2. Select the employee.
  3. Click on the action: E-mail.

    Profit opens your email program and you can write and send a message.

    If you have a local installation, we recommend not e-mailing more than 100 employees at any one time. Within Outlook and AFAS Online, the rule is that you can send an e-mail to a limited total number of addresses. If you have more than 100 addressees, there is a chance that not all addressees will receive the e-mail.

    In AFAS Online you send the e-mail message using a wizard.

Directly to

  1. Employee
  2. Register additional employee data
  3. Record an employee entry in InSite
  4. Change the employee code
  5. E-mail employees
  6. Block an employee
  7. Remove an employee