Configure and authorise a substitute

Do tasks and actions of employees who are on leave or sick stay open at your location? This is not necessary if you set up replacements for all employees.

Configuring and authorising substitutes is a one-off action. Following that action, it always works!

Points of attention:

  • What is given below will only work if you have configured Automatically determine the manager.
    If you have not configured this, specifying the replacement in the sickness notification/leave entry will not work.
  • In that case, Profit checks the substitute entered in the properties of the organisational unit (manually).
  • The example below does not work for the substitute of the substitute.


    The following applies for the example below:

    Manager = MGR

    Substitute = DBO

    MGR has certain rights. He is part of an authorisation group, has certain authorisation filters and a role in InSite.

    If MGR is absent, DBO must have the same rights and role.

To determine an authorisation group:

The authorisation for which the substitute must have rights is automatically entered from selections. The selection usually contains filters, such as = ROLE05. The filter = [OU] cannot be used because this is user dependent. In the selection you can expand the view with data of the substitute. Add a new view for this. The OU field of the person substituted can be linked through Current data through the current substitute. You select the Organisational Unit here.

If the substitute substitutes for a manager (like DBO substituting for MGR in the example), the substitute data includes the OU of the manager:

Hrm_Vervanger inrichten en autoriseren (10)

You can see here that DBO is the substitute for MGR (substitute code). The OU of MGR is You will also see this in the OU column of the MGR employee.

If you now make a selection based on OU =, MGR will meet this selection criterion.

You will see the employee who he or she is substituting (MGR) in the substitute code column in the DBO line. You will also see the OU of the employee that is being substituted.

If you want the selection to arrange that the substitute is immediately included in the correct authorisation group, enter an OF value in the 'OU of the substitute code' field.

You can also do this for roles, positions, layers, etc.

Once you have configured a substitute, the substitute will be added automatically to the correct authorisation group. Via this group the user is assigned any rights and InSite roles. You are, therefore, not just testing based on the data of the employee, but also the data of the Substitute. You will see the data of the employee who he or she is substituting in the line. If an employee substitutes several employees, you will see multiple lines of this employee.

To set authorisation filters for an employee:

Now that the employee automatically has been made part of the authorisation group, the substitute must get the rights for the employees linked to the manager. That is because all data-amending workflows in Profit are confidential workflows. If you do not have any rights to the employees, you cannot open and assess the dossier items. You will then receive the following message: Not authorised.

The substitute is part of the correct group but does not yet have rights if, for example, filters have been set. That is because the substitute is not in the OU of the manager.

DBO therefore must also have rights for the employees, layer 3 = OU, even though he is not in that layer himself.

You can see a view of the employees without a filter in the example below:

Hrm_Vervanger inrichten en autoriseren (20)

You see the following:

HZW is the manager of MGR. For HZW no substitute manager has been specified.

MGR is the manager of BWE.

MGR is substituted for by DBO, meaning DBO is the substitute of the manager.

If you take this into consideration in the authorisation filters, the substitute will also be given the correct authorisation with regard to the employees immediately:

Hrm_Vervanger autoriseren en inrichten (30)


  • Carefully consider whether you the replacement to also be given the InSite roles of the manager. You may not want the employee to perform all kinds of actions in InSite, but the employee must have rights, naturally, to possibly "Assess" and "Adjust" pages that do not always fall under the ESS role. You may have to create a new substitute role here.
  • It is possible that the substitute not only has to review and approve or reject tasks and actions, but also has to 'do' things.
  • Carefully consider when and how often the process changes. You want an immediate result, but for this you must perform the 'refresh current data' and 'automatically populate groups'.
  • Think about this once thoroughly so that it will be useful in the future.
  • Make sure you configure the workflows and alerts, so substitutes are taken into account.

Directly to

  1. Process configuration for an employee.
  2. Show the salary in default views
  3. Configure and authorise a substitute
  4. Training and courses
  5. 'Eerstedagsmelding'
  6. End of employment