View HR Management

HR Management allows you to consult a huge amount of information about employees in a view and then use this date for management information analyses.

Retrieve HR Management:

  1. Go to: HR / Employee / Overview / HR Management.

    You always open the current data unless you are adjusting data in the wizard.

  2. Enter the Reference date.
  3. Again enter the number of months if you want to retrieve a view over a time frame of a number of periods.


    The reference date is 15-02-2015 and the number of periods is 2.

    You will only see the valid dates; reference date on 15-12-2014 for period 12, on 15-1-2015 for period 1 and on 15-02-2015 for period 2. Data that you have added in period 2 and that are no longer valid before 15-2-2015 or will only become valid after 15-2-2015, will not be shown in the overview.

  4. Click on: Finish.

    Profit displays a view of all the employees with the period(s) prior to the reference date. The view contains one line per employee/period if you are viewing multiple months retrospectively. There are two reasons for this: if the data is changed, this is visible in the view and, in the analyses, Profit can calculate averages for the data displayed.

  5. Open the view: Management information. This is the most comprehensive view with employee data in Profit. This includes, among other things:
    • Date of birth and age
    • Employer, employee type, employment, employment start date, and employment end date
    • Job and organisational unit
    • Salary and timetable
    • Education and work level
  6. Open the view: 'Wet Werk en Zekerheid'.

    This view provides insight into the contracts that must be changed to permanent contracts based on the Wet Werk en Zekerheid. You ensure for the correct recording in the properties of the contract to obtain insight into this.

Generating an analysis

Profit makes analyses based on the data displayed. Use a filter to limit the display to for example one particular employer, a certain minimum or maximum age, etc.

To generate an analysis in HR Management:

  1. Go to: Analyses...

  2. Open the analysis:
    • Employment type (Profit)

      Employments and employment types per employer, broken down by gender.

    • Years of service (Profit)

      Subdivision by number of years of service, if necessary broken down by gender.

    • Core figures (Profit)

      Subdivision by age, if necessary broken down by gender, employment type per month per gender, average salary per organisational unit per gender.

    • Salary (Profit)

      Subdivision by salary, if required per gender.

  3. Click on: Print.

    You will see the analysis in Microsoft Excel. Each analysis includes a number of tabs with tables (name always begins with 'T- ... ') and graphs (name always begins with 'G- ... ' ).

Directly to

  1. HR management information
  2. View HR Management
  3. View reports and analyses
  4. Timetables and occupancy