View an employee's leave balances

Per employee and per leave period, Profit maintains the balances of each leave type.

Leave balances always relate to a certain leave period (usually a calendar year). Each type of leave has a certain basic entitlement: this is the leave entitlement in hours in case of full-time employment. This can be increased with extra leave based on age and/or years of service and job type.

If the employee has a part-time employment, Profit converts the leave entitlement. The calculation of the leave entitlement per employee is explained separately.

The leave balance of an employee is the leave entitlement, minus the leave entries and corrected by any correction entries. If an employee has remaining leave entitlement at the end of a leave period, this can be rolled over to the next period. The amount of leave entitlement can be maximised in the configuration of the leave type.

If an employee changes employers, a new leave balance line is always created. The same applies if the employee leaves employment and enters employment again.

The leave balance in Profit Windows only shows the balances for the various leave types, instead of the balance of the composite leave type. Also, in calculating the leave balances Profit Windows only takes into account the approved leave requests and not the requests that are still in the workflow. Leave balances in InSite do take account of the requests.

You can also consult the leave balances with the  Employees Leave Balances (Profit) report. Here you will also see the totals per organisational unit, leave type and employer in addition to the leave balances for each employee.

The leave balance in Profit Windows only takes into account the approved requests/cancellations and not the requests that are still in the workflow. Mijn verlofsaldi in InSite shows the leave balance that includes the leave requests in the workflow. That means there may be a difference.

To view the leave balances:

  1. Go to: HR / Employee / Employee.
  2. Open the properties of the employee.
  3. Go to: Actions (F8)Leave balance.

    You see a view with leave balances. A separate line is displayed per leave period and type of leave (statutory current year, non-statutory current year, etc.).

    If you do not see a certain type of leave/leave period, check the validity duration of the type of leave and the settings for the leave period table.

    • The Opening balance is the opening balance of the leave period. This consists of the included closing balance from the previous period, the basic entitlement and the extra periodical entitlement based on age, years of service or job type.

      Profit Takes the closing balance of the previous period (in full) to the current period, if transfer of the leave balance is allowed for the leave type. The number of hours to transfer can be maximised.

    • The Opening balance also contains the extra periodical entitlement.
    • The other columns speak for themselves. The Balance (days) column is displayed as an indication.
    • The Emp (employment) column is only of interest if you are using the Multiple employments functionality.
  4. Open a line for detailed information.

    Next, you see a window that is divided into sections:

    • Balance on current date

      This is the situation as it would be if the employee were to end employment one day before the start date of the leave entry. The Accrued field displays the leave entitlement up to the current date. The Taken field is the total number of hours taken in the leave period.

    • Leave period balance

      This data applies to the total leave period. The numbers you see here would apply at the end of the leave period, if you did not enter any leave entries or changes to the leave entitlement.

  5. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Leave entitlement and leave balance
  2. Configure a leave type
  3. View leave balances
  4. Calculate the leave entitlement
  5. Calculate the leave entitlement based on actual project costing
  6. Calculate extra leave entitlement
  7. Automatic leave entitlement calculation
  8. Recalculate the leave entitlement manually
  9. Leave entitlement in Belgium