Approve the actual costing (without Profit Projects)

You approve time off in lieu and expense lines. Profit updates the time off in lieu balances if this has been specified in the settings of the Time off in lieu leave type.

Once lines are approved, you can no longer change or delete them unless you first undo the approval.

The procedures below show the views that you can use. If you only want to check data (for example, the total of all declarations of one employee), the Approve actual costing view is the most suitable one. If you are only using Profit HR and Profit Payroll, this view contains all actual costing lines.


Only read this topic if you do not have Profit Projecten. In that case, you use the HR menu for the approval.

If you do have Profit Projecten, you use the Projects menu for the approval.

Approve the actual costing using Profit Windows

You approve lines by selecting them for approval.

To approve the actual costing using Profit Windows:

  1. Go to: HR / Payroll / Approve actual costing.
  2. Open the view: Actual costing (to be approved).
  3. Click on the action: Open attachment, if you want to open the linked attachment (such as an hour list, a receipt, etc.).
  4. Select the lines you want to approve.

    You can speed up this process by first using a filter to retrieve the lines to be approved. You then select them all at once by pressing Ctrl+A.

  5. Click on the action: Approve.

    If you are using the Actual costing to be approved view, Profit immediately refreshes it. The lines that have just been approved, are no longer shown. On these lines the Line approved check box has been selected and the user name of the employee who has approved the lines is shown.

In the Actual costing (not invoiced) view, you see the status per line in the Approved columns. You also see which employees have approved the lines.