Change career history

You can record the career history per employee in order to determine the number of years of service of an employee and Employed (re. seniority). By changing a career history line you can specify whether previous career history lines are included when determining the years of service and Employed (re. seniority).

Modify career history

  1. Go to: HR / Employee / Employee.
  2. Open the properties of the employee.
  3. Go to the tab: Career history.

    Profit displays the career lines and Profit automatically generates a career line per contract line.

  4. Click on: New
  5. Enter the start and end date.
  6. Select the organisation.

    It is not mandatory to select an organisation in order to add a new career line. You can also specify the name of the organisation in Name.

  7. Deselect the Include in service period benefit check box if the career line should not be counted for the service period benefit and should not affect the Date employed (regarding years of service).
  8. If necessary, modify the fields under Labour relation.


    By modifying the fields under Labour relation, you modify the employment duration of the career line.

  9. Click on: Finish
  10. Click on: Finish.

Directly to

  1. Employment start date regarding years of service
  2. Change career history