Add a sub-employment

If you want to add a new sub-employment, it must be based on an employment in which the employment number and the income relationship number are the same. If this is not the case, you can change the income relationship number of the employment before you add a sub-employment to the employment. After you have added a sub-employment, you can no longer change the income relationship number.

In the wage declaration, Profit merges each sub-employment with the associated main employment. Normally, the addition of a sub-employment does not lead to any revoking because the income relationship number and the employment number are the same by default. However, if you have deviated from this, Profit automatically performs a revoke (without user notification). After this, Profit prepares a new declaration using the new income relationship number.

To add a sub-employment:

  1. Go to: HR / Employee / Employee.
  2. Open the properties of the employee.
  3. Go to the tab: Contract.
  4. Open the properties of the latest contract for the employment to which you want to add a sub-employment.
  5. Go to: Actions (F8)New subemployment.

    Profit closes the contract properties and starts the wizard for a new sub-employment.

    Certain data (such as employer, CLA, and income relationship number) apply to the employment as well as to the underlying sub-employment. Therefore, you cannot change this data when adding a sub-employment.

  6. In the next steps in the wizard you add salary, timetable, job and organisational unit data.


    Legally, employments and the associated sub-employments must have the same salary. Profit does not enforce this, you must ensure that it is so yourself.

  7. Click on: Finish

Directly to

  1. Sub-employment (multiple employments)
  2. Add a sub-employment (multiple employments)
  3. Add a sub-employment (temporary extension)
  4. Add a substitute employment