Maximum 'ZVW'


The description below applies up to and including 2012.

As of 2013, the payroll configuration is changed due to the introduction of the'Uniformering Loonbegrip'. Please refer to the release notes for the CLA for more information.

Profit calculates the maximum using:

  • 100.005.502 'ZVW Maximum'

    You use this wage component until the end of 2012.

  • 100.005.518 'ZVW maximum werkgeversheffing'

    You use this wage component starting in 2013.


    Each wage component has a comment in which the operation of the wage component is explained. Always take a look at this explanation on the Comment tab in the properties of the wage component in the CLA. If you do not have the wage component available, first activate it.

Calculate the maximum of the 'ZVW' without a wage time frame

If an employee who earns a salary that is much higher than the maximum, takes a number of months of unpaid leave, there is no 'ZVW' wage time frame for the months in question. Profit does not raise the maximum in this case. This could lead to an employee receiving an additional assessment over the 'ZVW', because Profit calculates the 'ZVW' over the maximum amount for the months in which the employee does work. This also applies when you do not process the wage of a manager/major shareholder until December and the wage time frame for that year is a month.

You avoid this as follows:

  • Until the end of 2012: go to the 100.005.515 'Loontijdvak ZVW' wage component and apply the Geforceerd tijdvak parameter to the periods for which no wage time frame is calculated for the 'ZVW'.
  • Starting from 2013: go to the 100.005.522 'Loontijdvak ZVW werkgeversheffing' wage component and apply the Geforceerd tijdvak parameter to the periods for which no wage time frame is calculated for the 'ZVW'.

Directly to

  1. ‘ZVW’
  2. Normal 'ZVW' calculation
  3. 'ZVW' basis on the pay slip
  4. Maximum 'ZVW'
  5. 'ZVW' in case of salary and benefit in one wage calculation
  6. 'ZVW' return for last year
  7. Balancing regulation
  8. Conscientious objections (tax instead of premium)
  9. Employer share of 'ZVW' premium for employees with code E 'Subject to compulsory insurance'